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Dirty Tricks and Advertising Techniques

You can’t be in the internet marketing business for as long as I have without learning a few things that are mean, cruel, and can make you more money. Please note that just because I know of these things, it doesn’t mean that I actually use them.

Scaring & Stealing Your Competitions Customers

Have a competitor that has contextual advertising on their website? Well if you want to steal their customers you can do so by creating a Site Targeted advertising campaign with AdWords. Then simply tell Google that you want to only advertise on your competitor’s website. Once you’ve accomplished this you can create a text advertisement that scares the customer away from your competitor’s products. For example if your competitor’s website was then your text advertisement could be something like:

Warning –
Don’t Buy Overpriced Products Here
Get them 50% Off At This Site!

Creating Perfect Text Ads with Zero Effort

We all know that a perfect text ad can be the difference from success and failure. You should also know that you can see everyone else’s text ads when you do a search for certain keywords. If you want a high performing text ad you can simply copy another advertiser’s text ad that’s in the number 1,2, or 3 position. Better yet you can copy their text ad and make yours seem better. For example if their text ad said the following:

Dog Training Secrets
Learn how to train any dog the right
Way as quickly as possible!

You can spice your text ad up and make it more appealing by adding a few small things and have your text ad look like the following:

New – Dog Training Secrets
Learn How to Correctly Train Any Dog
Breed Quick & Easy! Guaranteed

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