Now that you have the website you want to advertise and the first group of keywords you’re going to use, it’s time to start advertising the website and making money. But before you start a campaign, please read over the following things which are very important for you to know.
I recommend watching the following video that shows you how to create a keyword targeted campaign:
General Info
Keyword targeted advertising is the most common type of advertising with Google AdWords. This is the type of advertising you see most often on Google, it is what most people think of when they hear about AdWords. When you are searching Google, the AdWords advertisements are displayed on the top and/or right of each Google search page.
Setting up a new Keyword-Targeted Campaign
Here are the Step by Step instructions on how to create the perfect Google AdWords Campaign. If you already have a campaign running, I suggest you read over this, because you will find things you will want to improve. If you are thinking about starting a new campaign, simply read over these steps as you create your campaign because these steps are in chronological order and will significantly help you. If you set up the dummy campaign, I would recommend starting a new campaign from scratch (just keep your dummy campaigned paused for now).
Starting Off
First you will need to login to your Google account and to create a new keyword campaign, click the link “New Online Campaign” and select “Start with Keywords”.
Naming Your Campaign & AdGroup
You will be prompted to name your campaign. Your campaign name is what will be displayed on the first screen when you log into your Google AdWords account.
Since you will most likely have several campaigns, when you name your campaign you will want to make sure it is a unique name that will let you know exactly what you are advertising in that campaign. I do not recommend advertising for several different products within one campaign. If you plan to advertise for two different products or websites, make two different campaigns one campaign for each product/website. If I were advertising for Google Money Pro I would name my campaign “Google Money Pro” or “”.
Next you will need to name your AdGroup. Name your first AdGroup the same name as the keyword group you chose to use (for example, I would name my first AdGroup “AdWord” because that was the most relevant keyword group Google’s keyword tool generated).
Remember, you will have several different AdGroups within one Campaign, so name it something that will help you know exactly what keywords are in that AdGroup (don’t name it something like “AdGroup 1”, “AdGroup 2”, etc). Proper naming will help make your advertising within that campaign even more organized. For example, if I was about to generate a list of keywords for dog training, I would name my AdGroup “Dog Training”.
Choosing Your Advertising Language
This is where you will choose the language your advertisements are going to be written in. This is also the language your advertisements will be displayed in.
I recommend watching the following video from Google that gives you more information about choosing your advertising language and locations:
Target Customers by Location
This is where you will choose how you want your advertisement to be displayed. It can either be displayed in:
Countries and Territories
Regions and Cities
If you remember, I mentioned this earlier in this guide when we were setting up the dummy campaign. I would recommend Countries and Territories because they bring the most traffic. If your product or service is only available in a small area, then I would choose the Regions and Cities or the Customized option.
Here’s what my page looks like. When you’re finished simply click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page.
Choosing Advertising Locations
After you hit continue you will choose the countries you want to advertise in (if you selected the “Countries and Territories” targeted option.
When you are deciding where to advertise your product, remember that if it’s only available in certain countries (like Paid Surveys, Seized Auctions, Sports Guides, etc.) you should only advertise in the countries where it’s available. Otherwise you’re wasting your advertising budget.
Don’t ever advertise any product world-wide or in any countries that don’t speak the same language the webpage is written in. If you do this you’re just setting yourself up for failure.
In my opinion the best countries to choose for advertising English advertisements and products are in the following list. Remember, you don’t have to choose these countries. These are the countries I’ve had the most success with.
After you click on the Continue button you will be taken to a page that will ask you to create a text advertisement.
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