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My Formula for Success

Now that you have read this entire guide, you will be able to completely understand my formula. I have described in great detail above how to apply every piece of this formula to your AdWords account.

Here’s my formula for success on Google AdWords:

I do not recommend just skipping to this section of the guide and only applying these steps to your Google Account. You should apply everything in this guide to your account so you can bring in as many sales as possible.

Massive Number of Keywords
Keywords Grouped by Similarity & Put into Several Relevant AdGroups with 3-4 Highly Targeted Text Ads per AdGroup
Targeted Accurate Bid Prices
Higher Ad Placement

More Impressions

More Clicks

Which Makes It

Easier to Adjust Text in Ads to Find Highest CTR

Higher CTR

Higher Quality Score

Which Gives You

Higher Advertisement Position
More Quality Traffic from Contextual Ads
Lower Average Bid Prices

Which Gives You

Massive Amounts of Traffic
Lower Advertising Costs Because of Quality Score

Which Gives You

Large Amounts of Sales with Higher Profit

Getting this formula to work can be hard in the very beginning, but it will get easier as you go along. Please note that you will need to start at the very beginning to get this to work, and the more keywords you have the better this formula words.

Again, I CANNOT stress enough the importance of the first part of this formula. This formula will not work if you do not have a large amount of keywords. And it definitely won’t work if you just throw a bunch of keywords into one AdGroup. Instead you will need to group your keywords by similarity and put each keyword group into their own individual AdGroup. This way you can target your advertisements as best as possible.

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